Living a Compassionate Life
November-December 2016
Inspiring Messages from Dolphins, Whales and Other Great Friends of Humanity

                                         Christmas 2016

Aloha everyone,

Be inspired by the message from Jesus on the role we are invited to play in co-creating Peace On Earth with our Earth Mother Gaia. He's very clear that a frequency shift, that's impacting the entire galaxy, is the primary cause for the warming of Earth and our entire solar system. The warming is a side effect of Earth's ascension.

Nasa presents evidence that our entire solar system is going through changes related to warming but this research is not broadcast by mainstream news.

We do of course need to focus on being extraordinary stewards of our beautiful Planet Earth.  There are current, obvious consequences to warming but there's so much more to address.

We're encouraged deepen in our commitment to healing our fears so we can absorb the benefits of this shift which includes heightened awareness of the God Presence.

I join Jesus in  wishing you a spellbindingly, grace filled Christmas and a very special 2017
Kathryn Jensen
Christmas Greetings from Jesus

December 2016

Beloved Friends

“Heal your hearts and love yourselves out of fear” – This is your assignment for the next twelve months. Your Earth Mother is reviving her own heart center and she’s asking for assistance from those of you who fall into the category of light bearer. Those of you who are reading this Christmas love letter have carried your burdens of fear for as long as you need to and you are beginning to participate in the Golden Ground's preparation for her ascension. She is rising into the far more heart centered realm of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth dimensions.

There will be no apocalypse. There will be however, a very significant shift in frequency that impacts Gaia and all of you. This frequency is emitted from the core of the galaxy where the Great Central Sun- the complex epicenter of the Great Creator Force - resonates with every star, every planet, every inanimate object, every dust particle and every living thing – in other words all that is.

This frequency is impacting your sun.  Your Earth has been experiencing a significant rise in frequency which is accompanied by a rise in temperature. Your global community of concerned scientists decided that man-made pollution is the cause of Global Warming. This is not accurate information.

The cause and effect of your scientists’ declaration, that this warming effect is created by man is, however, putting your Earth bound population to work developing clean energy technologies. This is a very positive movement but it’s undermining the small group of scientists who recognize the truth about Global Warming.

The voices of these scientists who know the truth are quelled by people with a very different perspective. Those with a different point of view declare that fossil fuel emissions, deforestation and other forms of contamination are increasing CO2 levels and triggering climate change. This group feels this assertion has the potential to motivate human beings to take responsibility for their environment and their wellbeing. This declaration was carefully created by a few who wield great power and concern themselves with managing Earth’s population.

So do your research Beloveds. Please take responsibility for finding your way to the truth about Global Warming. Most of you do happen to be magnificent stewards of your Earth Mother. Amplify your efforts Dear Ones. Your Earth Mother asks for your support in purifying her environment and creating Earth as a peaceful sanctuary.

Also Beloveds amplify your efforts in co-creating peace within your own body-mind-spirit. Use every modality you have mastered, that assists you in releasing fear. The more you take responsibility for your own healing, not only on a daily basis but on a minute to minute basis, the more joy you will experience.

You and Earth are bonded and you are unifying more deeply to co-create a revitalized Earth.  She restores her environment as you restore your internal environment.

 Your future is incredibly positive. Yes Beloveds there is still treachery and torment. Yes Beloveds there is immense despair amongst many who reside on the Golden Ground.

You will soon observe one breakthrough after another in human consciousness. Those who have demonically controlled humanity, since time began, are letting go of their agendas. They fear their demise and are joining the legions of love based activists. They are recognizing the truth about the power of love.


Love yourselves as you love others.

Yours in service,


Humpback stellwagen edit

Blega, a Humpback Whale, Speaks On Politics and the Hearts, Minds and Souls of Alaskans and Hawaiians

received and translated by Kathryn Jensen
November 3, 2016


Enjoy this insightful message from Blega, an avatar humpback whale, who resides in the waters near Juno Alaska and migrates to the Big Island of Hawaii in the winter.

I invite you to read Blega's messages in Ashram of the Sea. I've met Blega and I share that overwhelming experience in the book.

Over the past week I've received promptings from Blega. He's back in Hawaii's waters with a mission to merge deeply with the hearts of people who live here and our visitors. 

Blega, like other avatar cetaceans, who ask me to share their wisdom, presents the broader picture of the hearts, minds and souls of humanity.  

Kathryn Jensen


Blega Speaks

I’m living on Earth, with all of you, watching tempers flare, as the barriers between the democrats and the republicans are broken down. People are recognizing the complexity as well as the simplicity of the human experience and essence of the truth – all that matters is accomplishing your goals with nothing but love in your hearts.

You are witnessing the dark side from both parties attempting to corrupt the reputations of their opponents. It’s a war of words. It’s a war of contemptuousness expressed towards anyone who disagrees with your perspective.

Blega and his humpback family are entering the hearts of people who are courageous enough to plot their courses in life, with full intention to love themselves and others as they work towards their goals. The souls of these people are experienced.  They live on Earth in order to help people heal the torment they’ve felt as they’ve witnessed the downgrading of the human spirit.

Marginalizing others doesn’t resonate with most of you reading this message. Perhaps you denigrate others once in a while when you are completely disturbed about the way a person is treating himself, herself or others. You feel saddened by the other person’s behavior. Before you have a chance to link to your heart, you browbeat the other with harsh words.

However Blega does recognize that many of you, who are conscious enough to be reading this message, know what to do to make things right between you and others, you may have directed anger towards. You know about cutting the ties that bind you to others who perpetrate you or others with abuse. You tell your truth in a manner that makes a difference in the vibration you emit, even if others react to your truth with dark expletives of hatred. 

I hear your thoughts. I feel your feelings. I am the avatar of members of my species who live near the city of Juno Alaska.  I know the people who live there feel differently than the people of Hawaii where I spend the winter months. Hawaiians and Alaskans feel differently about the way the U.S. government should be run. The differences arise from the way each group perceives what they need for survival.

The Alaskans crave independence. They do what they must do to create safety and security living in very harsh conditions. They muscle their way through complex environmental conditions that make it very difficult to live in peace, unless they as individuals solve problems their way.

Many live off the grid, in wilderness areas that can only be reached by boat or plane. Their lives depend on hunting, fishing and growing their own food where weather permits agricultural endeavors.

Blega activates the Alaskans, within his jurisdiction, with healing energy that lifts their vibration just enough to lessen their burdens, that at times cause them to lash out at their neighbors. For example, they can at times crush their neighbors’ sparks of enthusiasm about welcoming government intervention meant to ease poverty.  They would rather resolve their problems their way.

I also care for residents on the Big Island of Hawaii. These island people recognize their need for co-operation. Many of those, who’ve moved to the Big Island, once co-created peace and harmony as Lemurians.  Much of ancient Lemuria has disappeared under the ocean. The area now called the Big Island was once the most highly charged Lemurian settlement. The land now called The Big Island was the healing center for all Lemurian people.

Lemurians would be brought to the Big Island area in star ships that were of service to those who chose to help establish the first Lemurian settlements.  There were many temples built on the land of this area. There were twenty temples and each temple activated individuals with one of the twenty frequencies of Christ Consciousness. There were other temples, built on multiple waterfront locations, where dolphins and sometimes whales intermingled with people and helped them lessen their complicated burdens of fear. These people were brought to Lemuria from war torn areas of the solar system. They were greeted by 5th dimensional beings who collaborated with cetaceans, as caretakers of these victims of disaster.

The culture of the modern day Big Island of Hawaii is still very influenced by the vibrancy of the ancient Lemurian values. The island is a melting pot of multiple cultures, with differing perspectives on what it means to live on one of the most isolated places on Earth. 

In spite of their differences, all who live on the Big Island are very deeply impacted by the Lemurian frequency, that causes people to look at life as a mystery, that invites the unseen God Presence into every human activity.  If people don’t feel like exploring these mysteries, they typically leave the Big Island to live in a place that’s more familiar.

Because of the perpetual presence of this stimulating frequency on the Big Island, residents can totally lose their way and become overwhelmed by the torments from their past. These issues spiral out of their unconscious minds.  They’re felt as problematic, troublesome miseries that cause them emotional pain. If people don’t have the skills to replace these miseries with love, they can become a burden to their loved ones. The Big Island residents, therefore, co-create healing for community members with ancient Hawaiian rituals and more modern day healing methods.

 Different cultural groups tend to gravitate to those who think like they do, but they also recognize the need to merge with others for survival. For example, those with Hawaiian blood, who are well versed in Hawaiian herbology, also seek help from mainstream medical doctors. Those with Caucasian blood very often merge with Hawaiian healing wisdom, to supplement the modern medical care they receive.

Their political preferences reflect their interdependence on their tiny, isolated speck of land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They must merge with those they disagree with. They must co-create peaceful solutions to troublesome problems because the place they call home is a small island.

When Hawaiian residents choose political leaders, they tend to elect those who represent the good of the whole vs. Alaskans who tend to elect those leave people alone to resolve their issues as individuals.

I Blega propose to you that there’s very little difference in the hearts, minds and souls of the Alaskans and residents of the Big Island. The simple truth is that every individual longs to be at peace and live a life that’s free of survival fears. Of course residents of Hawaii want to individuate and live their lives their way. Of course Alaskans rely on the kindness of fellow villagers or distant neighbors.

So my friends, if you are Americans, I merge with you as you make your decision about who will be your next president. If you live in foreign lands I merge with you as you take on the role speaking your truth and making sure your lives as individuals and as community members are fulfilling.

My family of humpback whales, who live in the northern and southern hemispheres, are recovering beautifully from abuses of the past. We lead our individual lives in our numerous communities that we’ve created. Yet we have deeply unified, with all species of dolphins and whales, in creating the Ashram of the Sea.

I see your future. I see your human communities collaborating and co-creating peaceful, joyful places to live. I also see you merging with all of humanity, not just tolerating your differences but enjoying your differences and learning from one another.

I really do observe your deep concerns about domination and control by tyrannical governments with dark agendas. I observe those who desecrate others losing their personal powers and learning to listen to those who represent the God Presence.

So beloved friends, be kind to others as you would have them be kind to you.

I am yours in service,


Copyright 2016
Kathryn Jensen


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Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth

July 30, 2021: An Invitation to Serve Earth and Become a Catalyst for Positive Environmental Action

August 22,2021:An Invitation  to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage 

Sep 5,2020:

Earth Heals as Her Humans’ Heal Anger, Rigidity, and Tension.
The Masters of Love and the Dolphins and Whales Invite You to Help by Expressing Your Truth With Grace and Compassion.

November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales

December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth

Christmas Blessing 2021

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Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22

Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022

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Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing

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