Ashram of the Sea Kathryn Jensen’s purpose is to serve as a bridge between humanity and the dolphins and whales of our planet, who are here to assist us in our evolution. Photographer of Kathryn and the dolphin: |
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Click Here (right click on Save Target As) for a glimpse within the the book, Ashram of the Sea. (from the PDF Edition-currently not available for purchase.)
Ashram of the Sea shares the cetacean mission to assist us in becoming the most compassionate beings in the universe. The story is told by the Heart-mind of God and sixteen, sparkling, deeply loving, spiritual leaders of Earth’s community of dolphins and whales. Each cetacean shares sacred wisdom that explains the special roles specific species play in human evolution. The book will light up your heart and re-kindle your desire to fulfill your divine mission for being alive.
Included are activations and links to MP3s that guide readers into the divine, healing presence of the cetaceans.
Readers who’ve met the cetaceans in their ocean home are led into a more profound spiritual partnership with their cetacean friends and mentors:
I love "Ashram of the Sea"! I found
it very inspirational and found it corroborating with another book I was
reading at the same time about forming the Earth grid and sacred spaces! I have
a deep connection to dolphins and whales including amazing interactions with
them in the ocean! I can attest that Kathy's channeling is
right on!
Andy Norlander-Hawaii
"Ashram of the Sea is a powerful book, it includes activations guided by dolphins and whales, which have served me well. Take time to let these energies integratee while reading. It is beautiful to hear the dolphins speak through Kathy's words, their happiness, wisdom and unconditional love !!
Ashram of the Sea is a treasure trove of esoteric insights made possible by Kathryn’s connection with the creatures of the sea.
The book sheds light on the mission of cetaceans on planet earth.
Kathryn’s presentation invites you to delve deeper into the topics. Like a fine multi course meal I found each segment invites you to assimilate then digest the information augmented by personal interactions through the meditations.
A feast for those fascinated by the roles of dolphins and whales in our system of planetary energetics.
P.M.- Hawaii
The book is a gift to landlocked readers who feel the cetaceans enter their hearts and assist them in their healing journeys:
I live in Hungary, more than 7000 miles from Hawaii. I never met the dolphins and whales appearing in this book physically. I contacted their healing frequencies through Kathryn's writings, transmissions and essences. They played a vital role in my awakening process, and helped a lot in healing my heart. Getting rid of our mental and emotional packages is quite challenging, and the cetaceans offer us an invaluable help on this journey. And the miracle is, that this assistance of dolphins and whales - thanks to Kathryn's work - is available in your living room, wherever you live on Earth. I highly recommend Ashram of the Sea, a book which reveals in detail the complex energy-healing system of the cetaceans, and helps you live a wholehearted life full of joy and gratitude.
Peter Bognar - Hungary
I find that Ashram of the Sea resonates with me on a very deep level. I cry each time I read it, and only read small amounts at a time, as to be able to integrate the message, or energy of love that is being offered.
Much gratitude to you for offering this message to humanity!
Peggy L - Lives in the Rocky Mountains
This is not a book that people will just read and forget
You could say that it causes an immediate and effortless change in habits !
The overall feel of the book is wonderful, and can give the sense of being near the sea for those of us who don't have that opportunity in the physical realm. I love the information about the Earth Grid, the colors of the rays and how to use them, and the communications from the Cetaceans.
KG - Lives in the Rocky Mountains
One day,in February of 2013, my husband and I entered the Ashram of the Sea for a swim. A mother humpback whale swam by and introduced us to her beautiful baby. A male humpback-their escort- accompanied them.
Magical encounters of this kind have deepened my ability to receive and translate the wisdom the cetaceans share in the book.
Enjoy the video of our experience.
Explore the Right Side Bar-Feel, See and Listen to the
Ashram of the Sea
Excerpts From Ashram of the Sea….
Savina, A Hawaii Spinner Dolphin, Speaks….
“Ashram of the Sea gives my pod and my entire Cetacean Nation a platform for meeting you. We appreciate this opportunity to share the complex role we play in unifying the Heart-Mind of God with the Heart-Minds of human beings.”
“These great beings (the Sirians) envisioned the progression of human evolution, and very meticulously configured the matrix of Gaia’s Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness. Each ray represents one important aspect of the development of the compassionate, heart awakened, loving, kind human being.”
“The kindest beings in our universe now live on Earth. This is the planet where people are given the opportunity to deepen into service to those less fortunate. “
Heso, a Pygmy Right Whale, Speaks
“The truth is that each human’s purpose is one that the Great Creator designed just for that person. Great Creator knew that the person would contribute to the library of knowledge about what it takes to be compassionate.
Blega, a Humpback Whale, Speaks…
The cetacean nation’s impact has been silently permeating consciousness forever and ever. There is so much for you to learn about your cetacean co-creators of heart centered living.
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2. Kindle Edition $8.95
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Living a
Compassionate Life
Earth Now - Living A Compassionate Life:
2019 New Years Message From Jesus
The New Book "Earth Now"- Love Tones-The Humpbacks' Story-Chapter Links
2020 New Years Message From Buddha Maitreya
April 2020 Immune Support from the Humpback Whales and Home Schooling Conscious Kids
2020 Holiday Message from Jesus and Kathryn Jensen
Summer 2021
Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth
July 30, 2021: An Invitation to Serve Earth and Become a Catalyst for Positive Environmental Action
August 22,2021:An Invitation to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage
Sep 5,2020:
November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales
December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth
Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth 1-12-22
Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22
Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022
Communion With Mother Earth 8-27-2022
Lifting the Compassion Planet's Life Force 9-25-22
Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing
Staying Heart Centered in the Midst of Terrorism
Ashram of the Sea
3 Options:
1. Paperback $12.95
2. Kindle Edition $8.95
3.Kindle Unlimited $0.00
The Kindle Book can be read on all your devices with a Kindle App. The software is free and easy to load onto your PC.
Click Below!
Feel, See and Listen to the Ashram of the Sea
Enjoy this video of a incredible human-bottlenose dolphin interaction
View this video before doing the activation on page 59 of Ashram of the Sea.
Experience the joy of this human-humpback whale interaction
View this video before doing the activation on page 47 of Ashram of the Sea
View a Wild Spinner Dolphin Blow a Huge Bubble Ring
A Dolphin Blew a Torus Shaped Bubble Ring - Dec. 2013 - under my husband Dave who happened to video the whole event! I was, at the time, several hundred yards away asking the dolphins to blow me a bubble ring. They did!!
View this video before reading page 86 in Ashram of the Sea
Listen to Dolphin Dance as you Enter the Ashram of the Sea Composed by my Gifted Friend and Supporter Pamela Weng