Jesus Speaks
I can’t emphasize enough how critical it is for all of you to reflect on the deep, dark complications that have arisen over the past four years as Earth and her human population have re-programed the Earth Grid with more complex Sirian frequencies that pull contamination from the crust of the Earth. This is specifically addressed by Gaia in her introductory message : Click on Gaia’s Post in the Table of Contents.
Those of you who live on Earth long for positivity. You crave peace. You crave loving communications vs. the troubled communications that pour into your news networks. Adjustments within the grid of Planet Earth are reprogramming the ecosystems of Earth and there’s resulting tumultuousness as evidenced by earthquakes, floods, fires, droughts, and temperatures that fall into the category of dangerous for those who live within the ecosystems that are suffering.
One such area is the Mount Shasta area of Northern California. Thermometers have been recording record hot temperatures and fires have been wreaking havoc with the health and wellbeing of local human and animal residents.
But as Vywamus explains below, there’s a silver lining. Earth’s first chakra exists within the matrix of Mount Shasta. Her foundation is being strengthened by the forest fires. And as a result Earth and all her living organisms will begin to experience more resilience.
Deeply I feel compassion for the heart break people experience when their environment appears to be moving into cataclysmic changes that no longer support life as we know it.
And I will repeat that there is more to climate change or what I prefer to call Earth changes than man’s contamination with the use of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a clearly defined source of contamination and to some extent their use contributes to warming. But 75% of Earth’s warming trend and other climate changes are due to shifts in the Earth’s grid because of sun changes, solar system changes and galactic changes. Again I encourage you to read the very long intro to this blog series so you comprehend the truth perceived by the Masters of Love and others who deeply desire to support Earth and humanity in their ascension: The Introductory Messages.
Love to you all.
Yours in Service Jesus
Vywamus Speaks
The Flower of Life
and the Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness
The love based traditions of Earth say the first chakra of Earth impacts the creation of the foundation of all authentic paths to God. Of course the physical foundation of all mammals, including humans, is activated by the first chakra. The greatest challenge for people to appreciate is the fact that the foundation of all spiritual practice must be put into place with profound safeguards being created, so people can merge with Earth as they lift their vibrations. The career of one of the most famous spiritual masters who ever lived – the God Man Thoth – began within the temples of Atlantis, where he merged with the first chakra of earth almost exclusively. I, Vywamus, partnered with him. We lived as Atlanteans for about 1,400 years.
At that point in time the first chakra of Earth was not at Mt. Shasta in Northern California. It was located at another location closer to what is now Paris France. Thoth and I lived at another location which is closer to South American city of Cusco Peru. But from there we merged with Earth and infused her with the frequency of Courage which is one of the frequencies of Christ Consciousness. We merely amplified the frequency of Courage which was already within the first chakra of Earth.
The Indigo Blue Frequency of Courage
There are many subtleties to the ray or frequency of Courage. For today’s activation Savina, a Hi spinner dolphin will lead you through an activation paying attention to four of these subtleties.
The Subtleties of Courage
· Becoming hyper-sensitive to the dark side of individuals, recognizing the darkness exists and sending the darkness seen in another the frequency of Courage.
· Listening to the concerns you have when you speak with someone who doesn’t feel safe to be with. In other words paying attention to the guidance you receive from your guardian angel.
· Looking at people from the perspective of what they behave like when they fill up with fear. If they feel threatening send them Courage from your heart.
· Lifting your own vibration into the first chakra ray of Courage so you are better prepared for looking beneath the surface of conflictive situations.
Beautiful friends, I don’t doubt you are at times flooded with fear right now about Earth and her crushing burdens caused by Covid 19, climate change and all the other troublesome cause and effect from this Shift of the Ages.
Let spinner dolphin Savina, Jesus and me lead you in this activation that will lead you in merging with your first chakra. Earth’s first chakra now exists at Mt. Shasta.
The fires raging in the vicinity of Mt. Shasta are crumbling the molecular structures of Earth’s crystalline first chakra and transmuting them into firmer more robust structures which will support men and women in creating a firmer more robust foundation for themselves.
Savina's Activation
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I am making an observation dearly beloved ones that fear is having an impact on many of you. I co-create love for all of you with my spinner dolphin family and other species of cetaceans.
As some of you know, humpback whales pulse the Earth grid with Courage. My spinners assist the humpback whales. So let me also merge you with my humpback whale friend named Helios. My spinner family and I help him pulse Courage into the grid and send it to Mt. Shasta.
· Sit very quietly. Breathe very deeply.
· Saturate every cell of your body with the indigo blue ray of Courage. Hold your hand on your heart. Imagine and intend that the indigo blue ray of Courage is flowing from your ninth chakra – 14 inches or more above your crown – Down through your 8th chakra, your crown, down through your brow chakra, through your throat chakra into your heart.
· Hold your hand on your heart. Intend that Courage will also flow from the ninth chakra, through your hand into your heart. Intend that your entire body-mind-spirit is flooded with the indigo blue frequency of Courage.
· Notice what it’s like to fill up with courage.
· Imagine Mt. Shasta – the location of the first chakra of Earth.
· From your heart send Mt. Shasta the frequency of Courage. Through your intention you are sending Courage, through the grid to Mt. Shasta.
· Fill up with Mt. Shasta’s vibrancy. Send all of your love to that location.
· Once more invite Courage to flow from your ninth chakra way above your crown, through your hand into your heart. Intend that Courage saturates your entire system with Courage.
Please do this activation daily my dear friends. My cetacean comrades and I appreciate your assistance.
Once you’ve done this more basic activation pay attention to the four subtleties mentioned by Vywamus
· Becoming hyper-sensitive to the dark side of individuals, recognizing the darkness exists and sending the darkness one observes in another the frequency of Courage from your heart.
· Listening to the concerns you have when you speak with someone who doesn’t feel safe to be with. In other words paying attention to the guidance you receive from your guardian angel.
· Looking at people from the perspective of what they behave like when they fill up with fear. If they feel threatening, or they feel like they are threatened, send them Courage from your heart.
· Lifting your own vibration into the first chakra ray of Courage so you are better prepared for looking beneath the surface of conflictive situations.
Yours in service,
I invite you to read Helios’ transmission below. Helios is my friend who migrates to the coastal waters of my Big Island of Hawaii. He encourages you to send Courage to people who are in a state of fear about receiving the vaccine for Covid 19.
(A note from Kathryn Jensen: I received this message from Helios after I heard about the heartbreaking death of a relative's unvaccinated 51 yr. old sister. She died from Covid-19)
Helios, A Humpback Whale Speaks
A complicated struggle has been taking place within the hearts, minds and souls of people who can’t bring themselves to receive the vaccine for the Covid 19 virus. Deeply sensitive comrades of mine have been sending these people the frequency of Courage to help them to summon the courage to, at the very least, consciously break their ties with those who happen to have zero tolerance for receiving the vaccine. We are sending them the Courage to pause, take a breath and take a look at the research on the mRNA vaccines. If they do, they will find scientific research explains the decades long evolution of these vaccines. They were developed to serve humanity with massively helpful prevention against dying from covid or being hospitalized with the virus.
If this concerns you, please heed my advice. If this concerns people you know or people you love please merge them with Courage.
Yours in Service,
Helpful PodCasts:
Derek Thompson: Inside Story Of mRNA Vaccine Development - Bing video
Vaccine Development, Covid-19, and MRNA - Bing video
Dr. Casale: Answering Your mRNA COVID Vaccine Questions - Bing video
This is a reminder that we invite comments on your response to the activations and the messages vs. political opinions such as vax vs. anti vax!!
The message above from Helios came through in response to the mega upsetting death of a family member's relative from covid. it's meant to encourage more in depth exploration of the topic.
Thanks for honoring this request.
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Living a
Compassionate Life
Earth Now - Living A Compassionate Life:
2019 New Years Message From Jesus
The New Book "Earth Now"- Love Tones-The Humpbacks' Story-Chapter Links
2020 New Years Message From Buddha Maitreya
April 2020 Immune Support from the Humpback Whales and Home Schooling Conscious Kids
2020 Holiday Message from Jesus and Kathryn Jensen
Summer 2021
Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth
July 30, 2021: An Invitation to Serve Earth and Become a Catalyst for Positive Environmental Action
August 22,2021:An Invitation to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage
Sep 5,2020:
November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales
December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth
Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth 1-12-22
Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22
Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022
Communion With Mother Earth 8-27-2022
Lifting the Compassion Planet's Life Force 9-25-22
Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing
Staying Heart Centered in the Midst of Terrorism