Those of you who’ve been keeping up with blog posts on Dolphin Energy Healing have read the initial chapters by and about the humpback whales of Planet Earth – The Humpback Whales’ Role in Human Evolution.
In recent months I put aside the book in order to update and refurbish four other previously published books. Enjoy exploring my Book page!
I receive these books from a team of Masters and Archangels who collaborate with dolphins and whales in co-creating books that they feel are supportive to people’s readiness for certain levels of spiritual transformation. The final edition of every book I’ve published is never the same as the initial edition and now a new edition of the humpback whales’ story is in the works. I invite you to read the message from my co-creators.
Kathryn Jensen
This book has a new title and it has been going through quite a metamorphosis since the first chapters were published on the blog of Dolphin Energy Healing. Those first chapters are still viable and excerpts will be included in the final publication but the emphasis of the book – the core message – is about the New Earth that’s progressively surfacing.
This New Earth is not going to tolerate the dark agendas of dark power mongers who desecrate the core teachings of the Holy Spirit. They counter love with treacherous action that undermines the agenda of the good people of planet Earth who, at their core, desire to become delightful emissaries of love.
As the book evolves, you will receive excerpts via this blog, meant to motivate and inspire. The book has been compiled by a team of Ascended Masters who have co-created the book with the humpback whale Helios.
Helios is an avatar whale who oversees the humpback-human connection. Helios provides us with concepts. We commune with Helios about these concepts and we have put this book through various editions. Because of the Golden Ground's extraordinarily complex phases of transformation and the rapid phasing out of corrupt paradigms, it’s been challenging to create this publication as one that’s not only going to support you in your spiritual journey but provide you with an uplifting sense of human potential.
Be Kind to Others as You Would Have Others Be Kind To You.
Yours In Service,
Ascended Masters Jesus, Buddha Maitreya, Djwal Kuhl, Gautama Buddha, and Archangel Michael.
Love Tones – The Humpbacks’ Story
received and translated by Kathryn Jensen
A Note From Kathryn
I learned the other day that each unique humpback whale song tells a story about the humpback-human connection. Each chapter of this book is a translation of one of the humpback's stories!!
Before reading the new excerpt immerse yourself in their song that is recorded live by the Jupiter Foundation on the Big Island of Hawaii where I live. You can listen to this live feed during the winter months. Those of us who live here are privileged, during the winter months, to view our humpback friends in the ocean and immerse ourselves in their song when we swim in local waters.
We experience their deep sensitivity to our body-mind-spirits. They truly do respond to our invitations to connect! An example is their response to a meditation we hold an evening a week by the ocean. We invite the whales to attend and they do! Often a few whales show up, right in front of our group, breaching or waving their fins as if to say "Aloha Dear Friends. Our joyful hearts merge with your joyful hearts!
Meditation on 2/13, 2020
A Mother Humpback and her baby breached repeatedly at sunset - an amazing display of pure joy!
This took place off a stretch of coastline where locals and visitors gather to watch sunset. All who witnessed this cheered with delight. What a love exchange that was!!
The humpback whales are heart centered guides for humanity. They play a profound role in accelerating the courageous, heart centered action of the brave hearts of humanity. They play a critical role in accelerating the courageous, heart centered action of these special people. The humpbacks’ contributions to the evolution of Earth’s human beings has never been shared. Previously this wasn’t a topic that resonated with human beings. People recognized the humpbacks’ majesty but weren’t yet ready absorb the truth about their role in human evolution.
The souls of people everywhere have been awakening to the point where there’s a renewal of the consciousness that was buried by those who counter the Golden Ground’s ( Earth’s) Compassion Planet identity.
The Golden Ground is the Sirian term for Earth and it’s the name preferred by Earth’s cetacean community. Metallic Gold is the color of the frequency of Christ Consciousness called Grace and it’s the color that dominates Earth’s grid. This energy provides Brave Hearts with the personal power to carry out their missions.
The humpbacks pulse the Earth grid with a ray of Christ Consciousness called Courage. Their frequency of Courage percolates through the grid to the first chakra of Earth to Mount Shasta in Northern California. Courage becomes activated in the first chakras of human beings as they fulfill the requirements for maintaining their balance. These special people sustain their equilibrium as they make their way through strife and struggle so prevalent on Earth, as it is on every third dimensional planet.
The humpbacks take care of pockets of humanity that embrace gargantuan challenges. Examples are the poor black population of Philadelphia, the war torn population of South African people who have suffered through apartheid and Middle Eastern populations that have experienced the agony of religious persecution.
The humpbacks’ caregiving is intricately complex and it focuses on the brave people who serve their fellow humans with extraordinarily conscious, impactful leadership. The humpbacks identify these people and steep them in their transformational frequency of Courage and they alter their perceptions with practical concepts that, when put into motion, lift the vibration of the entire population served by these gifted problem solvers.
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Living a
Compassionate Life
Earth Now - Living A Compassionate Life:
2019 New Years Message From Jesus
The New Book "Earth Now"- Love Tones-The Humpbacks' Story-Chapter Links
2020 New Years Message From Buddha Maitreya
April 2020 Immune Support from the Humpback Whales and Home Schooling Conscious Kids
2020 Holiday Message from Jesus and Kathryn Jensen
Summer 2021
Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth
July 30, 2021: An Invitation to Serve Earth and Become a Catalyst for Positive Environmental Action
August 22,2021:An Invitation to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage
Sep 5,2020:
November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales
December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth
Listen to the Heartbeat of Mother Earth 1-12-22
Blessings to Ukraine 3-20-22
Raising the Vibration of Ukraine's Military 4-1-2022
Communion With Mother Earth 8-27-2022
Lifting the Compassion Planet's Life Force 9-25-22
Life in the Fast Lane and What That's Done for Humanity's Health and Wellbeing
Staying Heart Centered in the Midst of Terrorism