Earth Now
Revelations On Human Potential

by Ascended Master Buddha Maitreya received and translated by Kathryn Jensen

Revelations on Human Potential

by Ascended Master Buddha Maitreya
Received and Translated by Kathryn Jensen

My love of humanity motivates me to provide my scribe with this transmission. It’s been quite sometime since Buddha Maitreya requested Kathryn Jensen to publish his insights. She’s been doing my bidding with her own personal transformation. I have been catapulting myself through a massive shift in my own perception of what’s taking place within the body-mind-spirits of many of you.

Organizations like your current Trump administration, that impacts all of you, whether you are Americans or not, have created a crescendo of extraordinary political activism. Personal opinions are able to be shared through your modern media, which demands discernment as to what’s the truth and what’s so called fake news.

Buddha Maitreya observes problematic, ancient world views losing their viability. One of these ancient perspectives is the proposal that one experience of personal transformation is all it takes to solidify your life’s purpose and propel you into service that never wavers. One example is the Christian experience of being “born again.” The Hindus have their concept of being blessed by their spiritual teachers who are typically called Gurus. The Buddhists refer to the atman, which is the ultimate achievement of practicing Buddhists. There are many names for these blessings but the terminology doesn’t matter. There is no limit to spiritual attainment. Human evolution is a process of extraordinary depth, that’s unlimited in scope and continues after a human being has given up Earthly existence.

The siddhis or powers demonstrated by accomplished yogis are considered by some to be the ultimate accomplishment of the spiritually realized human. Buddha Maitreya states bluntly, that achieving the ability to perform siddhis has nothing what so ever to do with spiritual attainment. Siddhis are merely a sampling of the personal power people can achieve, with sophisticated capacity to merge mind control with human physiology.

The human being of the New Earth is very deeply moving to observe. Buddha Maitreya spends a great deal of time unifying with people he feels are accomplished spiritual adepts. This article is about Buddha Maitreya’s observations of these loving, kind, compassionate people. One quality they all share is their knowledge that they’re responsible for removing contaminants from their own body-mind-spirits. They know they must nourish themselves with just the right nutrients for their body types. They know that disturbances of the emotions can be related to unresolved complications usually experienced during the first five years of life. They merge with recognizing the complexity of resolving these struggles that often impact physical functioning. They deeply know that commitment to self-care is critical for evolving into a state of truly knowing God.

Blog posts like this are read by people who are more conscious than most about how critical it is to be of service to themselves.  Such people have the strength to acquire the wisdom needed for developing a love based Earth existence. They have the life force to take positive action.

Through this post I am addressing some special members of the human family. I appreciate your communion with your cetacean friends, who light you up as you participate in the activations presented to you on this blog. I appreciate your intentions to better yourselves, so you may love your fellow humans and help them comprehend what’s important to master. You support them in becoming enlightened managers of their daily lives.

You are, without exception, working on the same plane as those who were once considered for Ascended Mastership. That may sound a bit startling to most of you but truthfully those who qualified for ascension, only one hundred years ago, were also qualified applicants for Ascended Mastership. These people had healed and cleared 40% of fear based patterns they held within their body-mind-spirits. A person who has purified 40% of fear based patterns is able to truly live a heart centered, compassionate life.

There are those of course, who love their fellow humans but who do not have knowledge of what’s required for removal of fear based patterns from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. They have not developed, for example, the broader perspective that’s required to understand that the cetaceans who live in your oceans are spiritual adepts.

The dolphins and whales love humanity and commit to assisting people in achieving true mastership. I use this as an example because this is the consciousness that’s percolating through each of every one of you. If it wasn’t you couldn’t possibly be recipients of anything offered on this dolphin energy healing website. You’d never find a website of this nature nor would you have any interest in books published about the cetacean nation of Planet Earth.

Compared to 100 years ago, 75% more people have cleared 40% of fear based patterns from their body- mind-spirits. 100 years ago there were, perhaps 1,400 people who had cleared 40% of their fear based patterns. Now there are about 14,000 who have purified up to 65% of fear based patterns. So you see beloved friends, there are major changes taking place in your very complicated human population.

The central nervous systems of those of you who have healed 40% of fear are far more resilient than those of so called “normal” people. You perceive more with your senses. You feel more. You listen to your divine mentors. You envision the promptings of your guides and your angelic assistants. Because of your expanded consciousness you are very competent about finding your way through the maze of contradictions that make decision making, about what’s true, a very complex process.

Beloveds I do give great credence to your fellowship with the conclusions you come to and the decisions you make about what’s true and what’s not true.  I know you make mistakes. I know you falter at times when it comes to making the commitments required for peaceful living. I see some of you suffering physically and emotionally because you’ve forgotten what it takes to love yourselves enough to recover your homeostasis. But beloveds, so do Ascended Masters who live in my realm. It’s part of the human experience no matter who you are or what you’ve achieved along the spectrum of what’s considered to be the path of human evolution.

We’re all in this process of evolution together, unified in our commitment to holding the vision of peaceful coexistence. This includes people who reside on Earth and all other beings who uphold the consciousness of universal, heart centered communion.

Your contributions make a very big impression on beings from other worlds, who don’t yet know how to love. These beings covet the concept of recognizing the power of love. So they do all they can to emulate you. Earth is the universal laboratory for instructing humans in loving themselves and others with a depth of compassion that’s just not known elsewhere.

Yes there are more evolved races throughout the universe but they do not know what you know about compassion. They have never overcome the dark circumstances you’ve overcome, as you’ve lived on your difficult, demanding Planet Earth. There’s no place more diverse than Earth. The diversity of your human population and your plant and animal forms is not known elsewhere.

The oppressive circumstances that have drowned Earthlings in despair have repeatedly been resolved through compassionate, loving participation in giving people all they require to recover. Your human population has recuperated over, and over and over through the 150 million years of human existence on this extraordinary laboratory called Earth.   Human beings have learned to re-create the harmonic of peace and reach another level of compassionate living. Your human race has evolved and evolved and evolved.

So beloved friends I leave you with this prayer. Create your own version of this prayer and let your hearts open to the vibration of your own heart-mind.

The Prayer

Holy Spirit, help me process all that I must comprehend to become the Golden Ground’s assistant in lifting her vibration.

Help me deepen in my comprehension of all that’s required to lift my own vibration into the Holy Spirit’s arena of spiritual communion with the truth.

Help me become conscious of how I am meant to serve myself and others with love, kindness and compassion.

I ask that I receive support in functioning, as I am capable of functioning, as a life force worker, who guides others into all that’s needed for living right here right now on this dearly beloved Planet Earth.

I am that I am.

I am grateful.

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