Blue Dolphin Essences
 A Course in Loving Yourself
as You Love Another
A Course Presented by Ascended Master Jesus, Avatar Sathya Sai Baba and Other Ascended Masters as well as Avatar Dolphins and Whales

Introduction to
The Blue Dolphin Essences

A Course in Loving Yourself as You Love Another


More Information on the Essences to Explore After Reading The Introduction On This Page:

Ascended Masters and Other Great Friends of Humanity Speak About Blue Dolphin Essences


In-Depth Facts

Use  Essences With Animals

Purchase Essences

Learn about Essences for the Home Temple


This is a course of great significance to those of you who know the importance of becoming spiritually realized. 

Those of you who will benefit from this course have already lived the life of the spiritual seeker.  You have taken time to look at your life and take steps to change according to the guidance you have learned to trust.  

You are the few who feel like giving your life to the process of following divine law.  There is one divine law.  The law says to Love One Another.  You are the few who say: "I realize what my life's purpose is.  I do my best to follow my life's purpose.  My life's purpose is to be the Christ in my daily activities."

This course will take you through what is called the Fourth Initiation.  The Fourth Initiation brings you into alignment with the gift of the presence.  The presence is the still, small voice in your heart that says "I am God."

The presence talks to you as you live your life.  It is the presence of the love you have for yourself.  This love for yourself develops as you use the Blue Dolphin Essences.  This is the consciousness you connect to as you use these course materials.  .  

You begin to feel what it is to love yourself.  You learn that unconditional love for yourself sets you up to perceive life differently.  You learn to take care of yourself and live as if you were your own best friend.  

As you work with this course you'll become an icon in your circle of friends, family and acquaintances. People will say "What is that person doing? I want to be like that person." People may not be able to identify what draws them to you.  

People who love themselves are strong, independent people who realize that if they don't love themselves they don't have the knowledge to love another.  These are the true leaders on planet earth.  These people have the have the knowledge, the wisdom and the vitality to be of service to others.  

The course is presented by Ascended Master Jesus and Avatar Sathya Sai Baba from India (deceased 2011). Jesus and Sai Baba both believe that there is only one path to spiritual attainment. It is a path of learning to unconditionally love yourself which provides you with the foundation for unconditionally loving others. 

This process of learning about love increases the frequency of the human heart. It lays the foundation for all spiritual growth, including ascension and the development of the light body and the merkaba vehicle.

The instruction of Jesus and Sai Baba and all of earth's love based spiritual traditions came from a place called Sirius B. Early man learned about love from dolphins who came from Sirius to instruct them. Some of these dolphins became humans and developed the love based culture of early Lemuria. 

The Essences were first created in Lemuria. The dolphin Essences introduce you to dolphin and whale avatars from Sirius B, who instruct you in and activate you for loving yourself as you love another.


More Information on The Blue Dolphin Essences to Explore: 


In-Depth Facts

Use Blue Dolphin Essences With Animals

Purchase Blue Dolphin Essences

Learn about Essences for the Home Temple

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Assist Gaia in Co-creating the New Earth

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August 22,2021:An Invitation  to Activate Earth’s First Chakra at Mt. Shasta and Humanity with the Christ Consciousness Ray of Courage 

Sep 5,2020:

Earth Heals as Her Humans’ Heal Anger, Rigidity, and Tension.
The Masters of Love and the Dolphins and Whales Invite You to Help by Expressing Your Truth With Grace and Compassion.

November 8, 2021
A Love Letter from the Ascended Masters and the Humpback Whales

December9, 2021
Love Creates Sensitivity to the Truth

Christmas Blessing 2021

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More Information on The Blue Dolphin Essences to Explore: 


In-Depth Facts

Use Essences With Animals

Purchase Essences

Learn about Essences for the Home Temple